Sena Chapter

Hello, my name is Noah Yang, the newly elected Sena Chapter President. I have been a member of the Hwarang community for almost 3 years now and will continue to help others find meaningful ways to foster community development. 

As one of the oldest Korean chapters of the Hwarang Youth Foundation, Sena is dedicated to putting in consistent effort in order to better our community in whatever way possible. A Chapter boasting nearly 50 members and a committed team of hand-picked officers—the Sena Chapter has organized countless events and volunteer opportunities throughout the years, including the recent Yekkeum Library Tutoring and the Han River Cleanup, which have both been great successes. 

It is always a joy to be able to utilize our strengths in order to help others, and it is especially meaningful as we are able to learn along the way. Through the Yekkeum Library Tutoring service, members were given the taste of being a teacher, planning their own lessons and providing one-on-one tutoring to young children, learning the values of communication and connection. Similarly, through the Han River Cleanup, braving sun and cold, members persevered in order to keep the environment clean in a public area, learning discipline.

Aside from these services, Sena is also actively involved in various other areas, ranging from translation work for the official Hwarang page to the recent Pad and Hotpack Drive going on this summer of 2023. In this way, Sena is constantly evolving and searching for more ways to aid those in need, supported by the strong foundation of our dedicated members, who devote hours of their free time in order to keep our Chapter operational, and our equally dedicated officer staff, who ensure that all events are well organized and come up with volunteer opportunities. 

For this upcoming year of 2024, the Sena Chapter is brimming with a plethora of inspiration. We are always ready to take on new challenges and branch out into areas of service we have yet to explore. 

Sena Leadership

Sena Leadership