GVM Chapter

About GVM Hwarang Chapter

Our Hwarang GVM Chapter exclusively consists of 16 members from Korea International School in Jeju. Founded from a collective will to participate in research, action, and solutions to global issues, the GVM chapter stimulates an inclusive community that helps each member take ownership of their work. 

Speaking from now, Hwarang GVM sets to complete a main project over three divided sessions:

Project 1 is Zero Carbon volunteer and education. Recycling, which started in July, is a part of our zero-carbon environmental activities, and we plan to upcycle (profitable product design) while researching recycling, volunteering, the virtuous cycle of resources, the waste plastic industry, and the impact on the human body.

Project 2 is Volunteer attention and investigation. Members acquire unit-wide CPR certificates. Upcycling products, Jeju hanging plants (air purification), and a used goods bazaar will be held. 

Project 3: By developing volunteer and research knowledge in Projects 1 and 2, we will develop research products and program products that are beneficial to the human body and turn them into contribution activities to the local community and overseas, such as contest (design, idea) submission, product sales, promotion, fundraising, and campaigns.

Hwarang GVM chapter promotes three primary mindsets: respect for the position, an organized system, and passion for creativity. First, respect for the position indicates a respectful attitude toward chapter members and outside people. Second, the organized system forms a solid community by building a collaborative and supportive environment. Last, enthusiasm and creativity are required for a better volunteering structure and a better social environment.