Sena Chapter
Hello my name is Jaelin and as the president of Sena 2024, I would like to formally introduce myself and the chapter.
To begin with, Sena has been through multiple ups and downs and yet we continue to thrive and make an impact on
the communities that surround us. This year we have been fortunate enough to meet amazing new members who not
only show up to make an effort but do so with undying energy and enthusiasm. The team work that consists of Sena
have proven time and time again that our members show up dedicatedly full of new ideas on how to make an impact
and intrigued with every new opportunity. As the president, even though we’re all separate people, when we gather
together, it truly feels like we’re one team of the same mind.
I believe that starting this year, we were extremely fortunate to have a lot of people who helped us and supported us
through the journey of new experiences and services. As of May, we were able to implement new and exciting services
(which includes, providing service to the senior center, creating soap for pets in our community, and expanding our
impact on those around us) that enticed new members to want to make an impact on our community and rekindle the
passion for helping others in our pre-existing members. We are greatly proud of the fact that we were one of the first
chapters within the Korean District and continue to carry out every service in honor of Sena. I am grateful for each
and every member in Sena and the accomplishments we’ve already achieved. Most importantly, I’m excited to see
what’s in store for us as the year only progresses!